Class Evaluation
There are quite a few things I like about this class. For example I like how we learned to create a blog to write down our student success statements. Another thing I like about this class is that it is showing me how to advance in technology and it has been helping me with technical problems at home. Another things about this class that I like is that it is really interesting to add on what I have learned from previous computer classes I have taken.
Somethings that I do not like about this class is that sometimes the computers do not want to work properly. Another thing I do not like about this class is that some students do not do what they are supposed to be doing on the computer when the teacher is not looking. Another thing I do not like about this class is that some classes have said that they do not have the CTR project.
Some recommendations for improving this class is that we should have more time to complete the student success statements. Another thing is that we should have more time to practice typing tutor so everyone can meet the goal of 40 wpm.
The highlight for me in this class was typing tutor. I think this was the highlight for me because I have been required to take typing classes before and I have typed up to 75 wpm.
I really did try my best in this class because I love working with technology and it helps me with technical problems at home that parents don't know how to fix.
Yes I have been reading in my Life Planning Goals Journal for at least 5 minutes each day regardless of haw busy I am with practice and homework. I have not been able to report it because I have no internet access at home.
I am committed to being a CTR person because I want to show others that I am responsible and I want to get somewhere in life. I would also be committed to become a CTR person because it is the right thing to do.