"Education is the latchkey to success in life."
-Gordon B. Hinckley
In this saying he is trying to say that without an education, you can get NOWHERE in life. If you were unable to get and education you would not be able to get into college, university. It also means that without education you couldn't get a job or money. Education is the latchkey because it is what connects everything together. When you have an education and you strive to achieve the best you can get with it, you will be able to get a good paying job and will provide yourself with a home and food to survive. Without an education you would be unable to do all of that. Nowadays a good paying job requires high school diplomas and/or college/ university experience. If you decide to drop out of high school and finish your education when you had a chance to achieve it, Where would you be? What would you do? Stay in school and put your best spirit into it because it is one of the best gifts you could have. Having no education could mean no house, no job, no food. And when you graduate and continue with school you could have all of these things including more people to count on for help.

-Gordon B. Hinckley
In this saying he is trying to say that without an education, you can get NOWHERE in life. If you were unable to get and education you would not be able to get into college, university. It also means that without education you couldn't get a job or money. Education is the latchkey because it is what connects everything together. When you have an education and you strive to achieve the best you can get with it, you will be able to get a good paying job and will provide yourself with a home and food to survive. Without an education you would be unable to do all of that. Nowadays a good paying job requires high school diplomas and/or college/ university experience. If you decide to drop out of high school and finish your education when you had a chance to achieve it, Where would you be? What would you do? Stay in school and put your best spirit into it because it is one of the best gifts you could have. Having no education could mean no house, no job, no food. And when you graduate and continue with school you could have all of these things including more people to count on for help.