Thanksgiving Week
Thanksgiving break was very relaxing for me even though I had to do homework. Throughout break I did some math homework, english homework, biomedical homework and I wrote in my journal. Over the break I went Christmas shopping with my parents and was able to buy my sister a blanket from a Disney store. I went to Citadel, Ontario, stayed at my great grand parents house and went to my uncle’s house. At my uncle’s house we celebrated Thanksgiving with mexican food and homemade turkey. We ate cream corn, mashed potatoes, a cheese ball with bacon, turkey, rice, beans, fruit salad, cheesecake and pumpkin pie. I ate the turkey with a side of some spicy salsa my aunt made. At my uncle’s house I met my aunt’s sister and kids. On the Friday after Thanksgiving my parents and I went black Friday shopping. I bought a lot of movies. I watched all of them too. I watched Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters, Pacific, Rim, Epic and Rio 2. Over break I did not play any sports because I was rarely ever home but I did watch some basketball games and football games. My CTR experiences were when my mom was in the kitchen and I decided to go to our room and clean it up even though she didn’t tell me too. Also over break I was able to spend more time with my family and it felt good because I am usually at school with everything that is going on with band. I also got a new tablet over break that my dad helped me pay for. During break nothing really special happened. It was fun to be out of school but I’m glad that I came back. I was also very excited for the parade that the marching band is going to be in on December 2nd. Throughout break the parade was mostly what I was thinking about. My grandparents also made turkey and we ate with them too. Mostly what I was doing during break was cleaning and Christmas shopping. One of the most fun things I did over break was listen to music and dance along to it. I also bought a Cheshire cat cover for my tablet. This is all I did for Thanksgiving break.