" We learn to do by doing."
- Spencer W. Kimball
What Mr. Kimball means is that in order to know something you have to do it a couple of times. If you know how to type, you first had to type before knowing how. Many things can come easy to a person but in order to know it they have to do it. For me, I know how to play the flute and how to sing and dance but I had to do those things before knowing how to do it. Many people say they can be masters the minute they pick up an instrument but no one is an automatic master. Trust me, in order to know how to play an instrument you have to learn how to do it. Nothing comes easy, you have to take the hard way up in order to reach success. You can strive for excellence by doing it or you can sit and wait for it to come to you. In order to get success you have to build the building blocks of your life. This is why Mr. Kimball said "We learn by doing." because without doing you learn nothing.

- Spencer W. Kimball
What Mr. Kimball means is that in order to know something you have to do it a couple of times. If you know how to type, you first had to type before knowing how. Many things can come easy to a person but in order to know it they have to do it. For me, I know how to play the flute and how to sing and dance but I had to do those things before knowing how to do it. Many people say they can be masters the minute they pick up an instrument but no one is an automatic master. Trust me, in order to know how to play an instrument you have to learn how to do it. Nothing comes easy, you have to take the hard way up in order to reach success. You can strive for excellence by doing it or you can sit and wait for it to come to you. In order to get success you have to build the building blocks of your life. This is why Mr. Kimball said "We learn by doing." because without doing you learn nothing.