
I chose the topic music because it is a part if my everyday life. I don't know what I would do without music because it has brought me up me up when I fell down and no one was there to help me. Music is one of the best things that has ever came into my life. Music is something that I can't live without and I have been making part of me. I also chose music because I have many musical talents that I discovered once I let music enter my life. I discovered that I can dance, sing, and even play instruments and all of this requires music. I also found out that music runs through my veins because my family is mostly made up of people who are talented in the arts. I chose to write about music because I find myself in every song I learn and every song I write. I create my own music and rhythms. I made music a part of my life the instant I decided to do more than stay on the side lines. I chose music because I felt inside that this was something that I would thrive in. Music is what has made me happy and what has made my parents proud of me. My parents also supported me when I decided that I wanted to join the musical arts. They bought me my first instrument and they paid my expenses when I wanted to join band. They helped in every step of the way that has lead to today. Thanks to them I am proud of myself for what I have achieved in the musical arts. All the best memories are made with music. I will continue to stay in the musical arts as long as I possibly can and hopefully pass it on to my younger siblings.

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