Spring Break
Spring Break went by really fast but during spring break a lot of things did happen. For instance the first things that happened to me during spring break was my first yearly appointment with my cardiologist. I used to visit him every two months but after my surgery I have to visit him every year. he told me that everything was going perfect. That I still had a small murmur but that it was the innocent kind which meant it could cause no harm. I also read 3 books over spring 5 times each. I read the City of Ashes, City of Glass and the City of Fallen Angels. My favorite out of the 3 was City of Glass. Due to the books I was reading I decided that I wanted to watch the movie that reflected off the first book which was City of Bones. After I watched the movie I listened to the sound track and many other songs that involved the movie scenes and got them stuck in my head. Spring break was also my last break before the final parade which is May 13th in Monterrey Park. I am very excited. Some homework assignments I had to complete were the Algorithm sessions and IXL for Algebra 1. I went to Riverside with my parents because my dad went to buy some stand for his speakers for his DJ business. I didn't meet new people but I did run into a few friends. I also went to Downtown Los Angeles with my mom so we could take my aunt sightseeing. My aunt is visiting from Mexico. Over break I made many CTR choices and no CTW. I helped my mom cook, clean, and take care of my siblings. I stayed with my aunt when she was by herself and kept her company. I also drew some runes from the movie I watched. This is basically all I did over Spring Break. It was a fun break.

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