"My basic principle is that you don't make decisions because they are easy, you don't make them because they are cheap, you don't make them because they're popular; you make them because they're right."
-Theodore Hesburgh

I believe that this quote is trying to say that you can't make decisions that everyone else is making because it feels like a good idea to follow them, you must make your decisions because seep inside you know that they are the right ones. When you make a decision it may take time but you always want to make the decision that will have a greater outcome. A greater and better outcome that is. For example you have an essay due tomorrow. You don't want to do because your friends asked you if you wanted to hang out with them, so you decided to find an essay that was about the same topic and copy and paste it to pretend that it was yours. You made this decision because you wanted to be with your friends rather than take the time to write an honest and complete essay. The next day your teacher realizes that she has read this essay off the internet and calls you out on it. You get a fail because you copied and you also get sent to the principle's office for plagiarism. If only you decided to write your own essay then you wouldn't have to suffer the consequences that came with copying and pasting it in the first place. Even your decisions matter in life. They help lay a brick for your house in the future. Every bad decision means you have laid down a rotten brick which eventually causes your house to break. Make good decisions not because everyone else makes them or because it is easier to get away with things. Make them because it is the right thing to do.
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