-Denis Prager
I believe that this quote is saying that the most important thing that will be needed in life are good values because they help show everyone who you are and whether you dependable or not. Having values is like many leaves growing on a tree. There are so many that it is hard to keep count. In order to have good values you must treat others a certain way and think of yourself a certain way. You must also be dependable, trustworthy, patient, friendly, etc. For example let's say that it's the first day of school and you meet a new student and then you see your friend from 2 years ago. You and your friend spend a lot of time together and basically know the school really well but you want to meet the new student and help them get around really well. You feel that if you don't go with your friend then they will stay mad at you and they might not want to hang out with you. On the other hand if you help the new student then you can make a new friend. You decide to help the new student and you tell your friend that you guys can hang out another time. Your friend understands and says that they'll reschedule. When you meet the new student you realize that you put your values over your feelings. If you decided to go with your friend then you show that you might not be friendly of helpful. By helping the new student you have made the right choice and you also may have made a new friend. Values are connected to the true person you are, whether you decide to show them is one you.
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