" It's a great moment when someone has the character to step up and do the right thing at the right time."
- Pam Knox
I believe that this statement is trying to tell us that is good to know someone who has such great character because then it will make an impact in all of society. This not only applies to people who have already began making a difference with their character but for those who want to make a difference as well. For example lets say that you were competing to become your district championships in music. When it was your turn to perform you realized that there were more people than you said were going to compete. You decide to walk over to the judges table and tell them that you have more people competing than they have written down. Due to this your group has to wait even longer because this is not their corresponding place. After that great act of character, you feel much better competing in the place where you stand the same chance as everyone else. If you decided not to tell the judges that you had more member competing than anticipated then you would have gotten penalty points and that would have dropped your score. After you compete you still end up placing in the top 3 which means that your act of character paid off. Not always will you have a compensation but you will always have the good feeling to help you get through your days.

- Pam Knox

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