"If you do what's right, if you live the right way, you'll be taken care of."
-Rachel Castillo
What this quote is trying to input into your mind is that if you do the right things in life and you choose wisely then you will always have someone watching over to make sure that you are safe. This could also refer to your guardian angel who watches over you when make the right choices in life they make sure that nothing bad harms you but if you do something wrong then they can't stop karma from getting to you. If you decide to hang out with the cool kids at school but then you realize that they are part of a gang and if you hang out with them then you have to be part of the gang. Then one day when you guys are walking down the street to the store another gang starts to attack you. You trip and fall trying to get away but instead of you friends staying there to help you they run off and leave you behind. This happened because you made a poor choice of friends. If you decided to hang out with people that really cared for you they would have stayed to help instead of run off to help themselves. This quote is also saying that you can't take life for granted because then you will never know the true value of what you had until it is lost. So remember to always make the right choices and live life rightfully because one mistake can alter your future.

-Rachel Castillo