"In life as in football, you won't go far, unless you know where the goalposts are."
-Arnold H. Glasgow
I believe that this statement is trying to say that you can't go through life if you don't any goals to accomplish. It's also saying that you can't start or end a race without a starting line or finish line. What I mean by this is that in life you need to make goals in order to keep moving forward. When you accomplish those goals then you have more ideas to accomplish therefore you are making a pathway to success in your life. If you don't have a goal and you don't think about any anytime soon then you will not know what you want in life and you will also not be able to move because you don't know where to start and you absolutely have no idea on where to finish. You can't start something and not finish it because then you are stuck in one place like a broken down car. But if you have a goal such as I want to learn my music by the end of this week then you must start on Monday and have the music learned by Sunday. Your starting point in this situation was Monday and the finish line was on Sunday. With that said you have seven days to work on it. Sometimes things don't come out the way you plan either. Maybe you weren't able to learn your music in time but that's okay because even the greats failed before they reached success. Make goals, Strive for them, and Accomplish them so that you can reach success. "Success all depends on the second letter."

-Arnold H. Glasgow
I believe that this statement is trying to say that you can't go through life if you don't any goals to accomplish. It's also saying that you can't start or end a race without a starting line or finish line. What I mean by this is that in life you need to make goals in order to keep moving forward. When you accomplish those goals then you have more ideas to accomplish therefore you are making a pathway to success in your life. If you don't have a goal and you don't think about any anytime soon then you will not know what you want in life and you will also not be able to move because you don't know where to start and you absolutely have no idea on where to finish. You can't start something and not finish it because then you are stuck in one place like a broken down car. But if you have a goal such as I want to learn my music by the end of this week then you must start on Monday and have the music learned by Sunday. Your starting point in this situation was Monday and the finish line was on Sunday. With that said you have seven days to work on it. Sometimes things don't come out the way you plan either. Maybe you weren't able to learn your music in time but that's okay because even the greats failed before they reached success. Make goals, Strive for them, and Accomplish them so that you can reach success. "Success all depends on the second letter."
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