"Right is right only when entire."
-Victor Hugo
What this statement is trying to say is that you can only be right when you say the entire truth. If you were to go out to eat but you ended up going to your friends house first and then when to eat and then you went home and your parents asked you what you did. If all you say is that you went to eat then you are wrong because you are not saying the entire truth. Sometimes you think that the entire truth is not necessary but in reality it always is. For example you mom drops you off at your friend's house because you said you were going to work on homework. You and your friend do the homework but them decide to go out before you mom picks you up. When your mom picks you up she asks if you did your homework and you say yes, then she asks you if you did anything else and you say no then you are not going to be telling the truth because you are keeping the part that you went out from her. In order to be completely right you need to tell your mom the entire truth otherwise when she finds out about what you did on her own then you will be suffering the consequences. Always do the right thing because the right thing is what counts. Even a little lie or a secret can ruin an entire page in your book of life. So remember to always do the right thing so that you can live your prefect, happy life.

-Victor Hugo
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