"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company."
-George Washington
What this quote is trying to say is that it is better to be around good people then to be around bad people. It is also trying to influence you that if you are around bad people that it is better to be alone than around them with their bad influence rubbing off on you. Another thing that this quote is trying to say is that you don't want to be around bad people because then you will fall right under their trap and become like them. For example if you hang around a group of drug addicts then eventually you will become one of them because it is "cool''. Another example is that you hang around bullies and you tend to like being at the top of the chain for the worst reasons then you might become a bully to and start picking on people younger then you just so that you can be number one. The thing is that if you decide to fall under any of these traps you will never be number one. The only people that can actually say they are number one are people who do the right things and earn their place in the chain not those who fight others to get it. For example if you hang around students who are doing very well in school and you guys help each other with homework then this group will be recognized for their hard work and they will never stand alone because they know that they are in good company. Everything around you affects your daily life. You may think it doesn't but it does. Don't try to be ''cool'' by falling under the influence of bad company. Be cool by doing everything correctly and choosing to do things the right way. It's better to stand alone than in bad company. :)

-George Washington
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