Thursday, December 15, 2016

Class Evaluation

Class Evaluation

There are quite a few things I like about this class. For example I like how we learned to create a blog to write down our student success statements. Another thing I like about this class is that it is showing me how to advance in technology and it has been helping me with technical problems at home. Another things about this class that I like is that it is really interesting to add on what I have learned from previous computer classes I have taken.

Somethings that I do not like about this class is that sometimes the computers do not want to work properly. Another thing I do not like about this class is that some students do not do what they are supposed to be doing on the computer when the teacher is not looking. Another thing I do not like about this class is that some classes have said that they do not have the CTR project.

Some recommendations for improving this class is that we should have more time to complete the student success statements. Another thing is that we should have more time to practice typing tutor so everyone can meet the goal of 40 wpm. 

The highlight for me in this class was typing tutor. I think this was the highlight for me because I have been required to take typing classes before and I have typed up to 75 wpm.

I really did try my best in this class because I love working with technology and it helps me with technical problems at home that parents don't know how to fix.

Yes I have been reading in my Life Planning Goals Journal for at least 5 minutes each day regardless of haw busy I am with practice and homework. I have not been able to report it because I have no internet access at home.

I am committed to being a CTR person because I want to show others that I am responsible and I want to get somewhere in life. I would also be committed to become a CTR person because it is the right thing to do.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Honesty is Better than Lying

Honesty is Better than Lying

In the video we watched there were some students that were taking a test. After a while a girl asked her friend what the answer was for the question number four. Her friend looked at the teacher and thought about a story of some students who attended medical school. In this little story there was a man who was attending a medical school and they were about to take their first examination. He went in and sat down. After the professor passed out the exam he left the room. In a few minutes some students started pulling out cheat sheets. The man looked around and saw how many people were cheating on their exam. He thought it was hard to compete with cheaters. Then a man who sat in the back of the classroom stood up and said that he travelled miles from where he used to live. He also said that he has his wife and kids living in an apartment just so that he can complete his dream of going to medical school. Then he said that anyone he caught cheating, he would turn them in because they did not deserve to be there. After that was said all the cheat sheets disappeared as fast as they came out. Because of that one man who stood up in class and told them not to cheat, that year the medical school had the highest amount of graduates. When the girl came back to her time she thought about helping her friend again but in the end told her no. After the quiz was over the girls were fine and had respect for the other’s choice. This video shows that honesty is better than taking shortcuts to get better.

student success statement 12/13/16

"When you tell one lie, it leads to another."
-Paul Hatch

What this is saying is that when you lie once you end up lying again to cover up the first one. Then after the second lie, lie a third a time. And you just continue until you forget how many lies you have told. Eventually all those lies slip out of the bag and everyone knows the truth. Because of all the lies you told to cover up each other, people start to think that you can never be trusted because all you do is lie. Sometimes lying is good in the case of lying to save a life but for things such as missing out on a project it is not right to lie because then you get false credit for something you didn't do. Do you think lying is acceptable? Once again I think it is only acceptable when you are lying to save a life or to keep something like a surprise birthday party hidden. Other than that lying is unacceptable. Would you like it if someone lied to you? If you are saying no but you  have lied before, why would you do that if you don't like it being done to you? No matter what lie it is. A big one a small one. A lie is lie and in the end lies have consequences. Think before you lie because then the outcome could be very different than what you imagined. 
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Friday, December 9, 2016

The Sting of the Scorpion

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The Sting of the Scorpion
                         -Elder Patrick Kearon

In this story a little boy and his family were in the desert camping. When the family awoke the little boy wanted to explore the desert nearby camp. His parents let him go but as they did they told him "always wear your shoes.". The little boy was about to get his shoes when he turned around and grabbed his flip flops instead. He was being lazy and rebellious. Lazy because he did not want to waste time putting on his shoes and rebellious because he did not listen to his parents. Once the boy put on his flip flops he set off on a walk to explore the desert ahead. While he was walking he was pacing through the cool sand when all of a sudden he felt pain strike through his leg. He thought it was a thorn but when he looked down he did not see a thorn but a scorpion! The scorpion stung him. The boy fell to the ground and grabbed his leg. He started yelling for his parents. When they arrived the loaded everything into their car and drove off to find the nearest hospital which was more than 2 hours away. To their satisfaction the doctor told them that the sting of the scorpion only affects little infants. The doctor put numbing medicine on the boy's leg and in 24 hours he felt no pain from the scorpions sting. This taught him that he should more carefully to his parents because they know the dangers of the world.

Student Success Statement 12/09/2016

"Always do right"
                - Mark Twain

What I believe Mr. Twain is trying to tell is us is that no matter what gets in the way you should always do the right thing. When he says always do right he means that you should make the right choices even if no one is watching you. For example you shouldn't cheat on a test because then you get false credit. If you do cheat on a test then you should tell the teacher that you did because it is the right thing to do. This quote can also refer to life changing decisions such as drugs, smoking, alcohol and college references. Should you smoke, do drugs or drink alcohol? Some may think that it will be fine if they only drink a little, or just have one dose of drugs, or even smoke just one cigarette. But in fact none of these things are correct because not only do they change the way people look at your but they also put you at risk for certain diseases such as  lung cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. If you decide not to do any of these then you are living a healthy life that you can enjoy without a problem. Another thing I mentioned earlier were college references. Should you go to college? Do you want to go to college? Is college good for you? Some may not have enough money for college therefore they give up easily but in other circumstances you shouldn't because going to college is the right thing to do especially if you had an amazing run through high school. Think about your decisions before you make them. Always pick the right thing over the wrong despite whoever is looking. Your life is yours to life to make the best of it and Always do Right.

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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Student Success Statement 12/07/16

"It's better to be alone than to be in bad company"

What this statement is trying to say is that you are more productive alone than when you are around people who are not. When it says it's better to be alone it doesn't mean that it's better to be alone forever but just for a short period of time so that you can get whatever needs to get done, done. It also means that by bad company it could be people who are failing school because they ditch. it could be alcoholics, drug addicts. This saying is telling you that your life is better off without those kinds of people. When you hang around people who drink or do drugs are you being productive or responsible. I guess you can say No because the only things these people do is distract you and try to get you to do what they are doing. If you are alone are you being productive? Are you being responsible? Yes you are because there is no one to distract from the task at hand. Being alone is what helps you concentrate on what needs to be done. When you go hang around with the wrong crowd they tend to make you go off into the wrong sunset. People who try to make others do what they do are irresponsible and they are only tearing their life apart one tiny piece at a time. Remember being alone doesn't always mean that you are unwanted. Everything counts in your life including the people that are in it. So choose wisely. Have good not bad company. You can find good company in yourself.
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World War II

World War II

World War II started on September 1, 1939 and ended on September 2, 1945. Some of the countries that were part of World War 2 are Germany, Italy and Japan. On the other side were the Allies which were Britain, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India and the Soviet Union, China and the United States of America.  Some places where World War 2 took place was in Europe, East Asia and islands in the Pacific Ocean. Other places were Madagascar and the Aleutian islands. In countries such as Germany, Poland, China and Russia were badly hit by war and their territory suffered greatly.  Some events that took place during World War 2 were
  • The Atlantic War
    • When hostilities broke out in Europe the Atlantic was filled with German Vessels ready to attack,
  • The European War
    • Germany’s bullying diplomacy with Austria, Czechoslovakia and with Lithuania failed therefore instigating a war that would cover the whole European continent.
  • The Pacific War
    • During this war there were attacks on Pearl Harbor, Malaya, Philippines, Guam and Wake, Japan was drawing the United States along with her allies into war.
  • The Desert War
    • British forces attacked Italian counterparts to secure a base the would be a possible Mediterranean crossing.
  • Etc.

We can honor and show respect by these brave soldiers who fought to keep our land free and safe by going to their tombs and placing an American flag and flowers. We can also honor them by holding ceremonies to honor those who died and still live.

Monday, December 5, 2016

What challenges do teens face today?

What challenges do teens face today?
Several of the major challenges are,
  • depression,
  • bullying(both cyber and physical),
  • drug use,
  • sexual activity,
  • alcohol use,
  • obesity,
  • peer pressure
  • Social media
  • On-screen violence
  • Academic Problems.
These are some of the top ten issues that teens are facing today. Many of these issues are brought upon them when they feel they are not wanted. Depression can come when the child feels lonely or “out of this world” in the bad way. Depression also comes as a side effect of bullying. Bullying can happen in so many ways but it takes time to finally see when it is actually happening. When a child is being bullied it is either because they don’t fit in or because they were being bullies to others. Other times bullying and depression can lead to alcohol and drug use. Both of these uses can lead to life-threatening situations or even death because of an overdose. There are other things too like sexual activity, this could be because they wanted to engage with a partner whether they were ready or not and in the end they have to face consequences such as STD’s pregnancy, HIV and AIDS. Other things such as academic problems could be because they aren’t getting the required help they need in school. On-screen violence could be cause by abusement at home or anywhere as discipline or because they have family members that abuse each other.
Two major challenges I have faced have been bullying and low self-esteem. I have low self esteem when I think other people are better than me and I think that I can never be as good as they can. The other problem I face, which is bullying, I have learned to deal with it because you only get bullied when people are jealous of you. Even though some commentary may hurt my feelings and it might bring me down, in the end I can’t let it get to my head or I’m just proving the bullies right. Being a CTR person helps me overcome these challenges I face because it shows me that I am a good person even though others want to make me feel bad. Being a CTR person shows me that I have to be responsible no matter what everyone else says to make me stop. I can help other teens overcome these challenges by giving them advice and talking to them about my experiences. I can also help them through the situations by showing them another way to get rid of it and to help make sure it doesn’t happen again.

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Reflection: What is the greatest needs that teens have?

I believe that the greatest needs a teen has is the need for attention. They need attention from their parents and loved ones. They need to be supported in choosing the right life which is why they need the attention so they can ask for help. I think that the biggest need teens have is the need to be loved and supported by their family.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Student Success Statement 12/01/16

"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong."                        -John F. Kennedy

What this quote is trying to say is that in order to have a creative and dynamic intellectual activity you must be physically active. A healthy body means it functions better and there are less chances of you getting sick. A strong body means you can lift heavy things and most-likely not get hurt. But both a healthy and strong body can also help you in your creative learning and your dynamic learning. Everyone's body functions differently. Mine for example is not normal but it is healthy and strong for my figure. I have a heart murmur which caused many changes with the way my blood flowed and my reactions to physical activity. Instead of having the side affects my doctor told me that since I was in a healthy and strong condition I was only getting stronger which was helping me avoid the side affects. If you decide to smoke or do drugs it can affect your physical mentality therefore also messing with your head. If you stay active in sports such as volleyball, wrestling, basketball, soccer, baseball and somethings like colorguard and band then that can help stabilize your mentality and your physical fitness. When being active in sports and extra curricular activities it helps you maintain your intellectual activity because in order to be in one you have to be in the other. I for example am in marching band and in order to be in marching band I must a maintain a certain grade point average or I will be grade cut. Doing a sport you love and mixing it with your studies helps you get more creative and dynamic. That is why Physical fitness is one of the most important keys to help you have a dynamic and creative intellectual activity.

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Health Sciences Librarian

Health Sciences Librarian

Duties and Responsibilities:  Provide access to medical information with books, pamphlets, journals, tapes, the Internet and multimedia presentations. They help people such as health providers, teachers and students find the correct information they need by helping them through the vast amount of information found in the library. They also work in a variety of places. Some of these places could be a library if a health organization, pharmaceutical company, health information centers and even medical schools. The librarians are responsible for finding the most suitable resources. By cataloging those materials they can be found easily. They also help their users find what they need. Health Sciences Librarians are experts at searching databases and the Internet. Some librarians create a website and others have guides to find health-related information resources.

Salary: The average salary for the Health Sciences Librarian is $58,000.

Education: They must graduate from high school, have a 4-year Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree in MLS and optional Certification by the Medical Library Association.

Demand or Need for this Profession: The demand is slowing down by 2%.


I would not like to be a health sciences librarian because I have trouble navigating the internet. Even though I know how to work various computer programs and technical devices there is always something that stop me and cause a mistake. It also does not interest me as much as many other careers. This is why I would not like to be a Health Sciences Librarian.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Student Success Statement 11/29/16

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"Kindness is the essence of greatness."
Joseph B. Wirthlin

          What this statement is saying is that kindness is the key to being a great person. Kindness is the essence of greatness because kindness shows people that you respect others without judging them by how they look. Kindness shows that you are willing to help people without hesitating about it. Kindness shows that you can put others before yourself. For example there is a new student and nobody wants to talk to them because they look weird. Think about it. What happened if you were the new student? How would you feel? Instead of acting like everyone else talk to the new student and make them feel welcome. When you do that you have made an act of kindness. If you never went to talk to the student that would not be kind because then they would feel left out. Never judge a book by its cover because then that  decision comes back with a swing.

Thanksgiving Break

Thanksgiving Week

Thanksgiving break was very relaxing for me even though I had to do homework. Throughout break I did some math homework, english homework, biomedical homework and I wrote in my journal. Over the break I went Christmas shopping with my parents and was able to buy my sister a blanket from a Disney store. I went to Citadel, Ontario, stayed at my great grand parents house and went to my uncle’s house. At my uncle’s house we celebrated Thanksgiving with mexican food and homemade turkey. We ate cream corn, mashed potatoes, a cheese ball with bacon, turkey, rice, beans, fruit salad, cheesecake and pumpkin pie. I ate the turkey with a side of some spicy salsa my aunt made. At my uncle’s house I met my aunt’s sister and kids. On the Friday after Thanksgiving my parents and I went black Friday shopping. I bought a lot of movies. I watched all of them too. I watched Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters, Pacific, Rim, Epic and Rio 2. Over break I did not play any sports because I was rarely ever home but I did watch some basketball games and football games. My CTR experiences were when my mom was in the kitchen and I decided to go to our room and clean it up even though she didn’t tell me too. Also over break I was able to spend more time with my family and it felt good because I am usually at school with everything that is going on with band. I also got a new tablet over break that my dad helped me pay for. During break nothing really special happened. It was fun to be out of school but I’m glad that I came back. I was also very excited for the parade that the marching band is going to be in on December 2nd. Throughout break the parade was mostly what I was thinking about. My grandparents also made turkey and we ate with them too. Mostly what I was doing during break was cleaning and Christmas shopping. One of the most fun things I did over break was listen to music and dance along to it. I also bought a Cheshire cat cover for my tablet. This is all I did for Thanksgiving break.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Student Success Statement 11/18/16

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"Manners maketh man."
                 -William Wykeham

   I think that William Wykeham is saying that manners show if you are being well educated or not. Manners are shown to you so that people don't think you are rude when they help you are out, or if you pass by someone and don't say good morning. If it is daytime and someone passes by you on the sidewalk, even though you may not know them it is still nice to wish them a good morning and a good day. If you drop your books and someone takes the time to help you, you should not walk away without saying thank-you otherwise that person might not want to help you anymore. Manners show that you are rude or kind, take things for granted or appreciate the things you have. Manners are shown to you not only by your parents but by your teachers as well. When you ask you teacher to use the restroom and you say " Can I use the restroom''?  Do they ever say "I don't know, can you?" Then they expect you to reply with "May I use the restroom?'' This an example of what some teachers do to help you use manners and proper grammar. Manners are not only seen in kids your age or my age, adults or elders. Manners are also seen in little children as well. If little children can use manners but you can't, then that sets a bad image for you. Even little kids use manners because they know it is the right thing to do. Remember manners show who you are so use them correctly.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Student Success Statement 11/16/16

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"If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it."
                                                                               -Marcus Aurelius

What Marcus Aurelius is trying to tell is us is to not speak or do anything that is wrong. If someone has started spreading a rumor that you know is not true then do not spread it any further. If you see student walking out of class because of all the things that have been going on and it is wrong them don't do it. Everyone acts differently, they either do the right thing or the wrong they. They could say the truth or say a lie. You must not let others control what you do otherwise it will affect you in unimaginable ways. If you let others tell you what to do or influence you, you could be losing trust with the people you knew before. You could also be showing people that you are someone you truly are not. If someone tells to walk out of class and you do it then you have made a bad decision. The results would conclude in the school calling your parents, you could get expelled, you would get in serious trouble and you would also mess with your school grades and attendance. Now ask yourself, if I made this choice what would my parents do? Would my teachers lose faith that I am a good student? These are only possibilities of what the outcomes could be. You should never speak of anything that is untrue or do anything that is not right. If you heard a rumor and it was not true but you still decided to spread it, what might others think? They may think you are trying to cross the person the rumor is about. Don't spread rumors if you are sure that they are not true and don't let it get to you head.Think of the outcomes before you do the act. 

Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving day

Thanksgiving And Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving takes place on the fourth Thursday of every November every year. Thanksgiving began to be celebrated when the pilgrims and the Native Americans had their big feast to give thanks to everything they had. When the Pilgrims first arrived to America they came and had no food and it was snowing! Many settlers got sick and passed away. When the Native Americans found the Pilgrims they showed them how to grow crops, fish and even how to dance. Thanksgiving was celebrated as a way for the Pilgrims to show their thanks to the Native Americans. The Native American tribe was known as the Wampanoag tribe. The Wampanoag agreed to the feast when the Pilgrims invited them. The first Thanksgiving feast was in the year of 1621 that was a three day festival of eating, hunting and festivity. The indians killed 5 deers and brought them to the Pilgrims to give as a gift. Thanksgiving was not a national holiday until 1863 when Abraham Lincoln declared that it would be celebrated on the last Thursday of November. It took about 200 years for Thanksgiving to become a national holiday. In 1939 President Roosevelt decided to move Thanksgiving up a week to give businesses more time to prepare for the Christmas spending time. Did you know that turkey and pumpkin pie were not part of the first Thanksgiving feast. Also if they did serve cranberries they were not able to serve them in a sauce like they do now. This year Thanksgiving will be celebrated on November 24th. Now throughout the years many festivities have taken place on Thanksgiving. For example the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade takes place Thanksgiving morning. Also Black Friday all across the nation takes place on Thanksgiving. Black Friday is on Thanksgiving to help people save money for Christmas time.
A few things I am thankful for
  • My family
  • Having a home
  • Being able to be in band
  • Having loving and supporting parents
  • Having an education
  • Having such amazing teachers and friends
  • Being with my family after a long period of time has passed
  • Having books
  • Having my little brother and sister
  • Having music involved in my life
  • Having an amazing life
  • The help my cardiologist has given me
  • Everyone’s help and the support for the past few years
  • Having my mom who will be there when I need her most and will support me
  • Having a dad who will be there and support me with my music


Monday, November 14, 2016

Move Forward

Move Forward

  1. Stop walking out
  2. Stop destroying property
  3. Write petitions
  4. Speaking out about what you care about
  5. Have schools provide better opportunities to educate us on government and election
  6. Just forget about it
  7. Change the system
  8. Get involved in politics
  9. Be optimistic
  10. Move to Canada
  11. Forget and forgive
  12. Learn from your mistakes
  13. Make better choices
  14. Plan your choices
  15. Voice your opinion
  16. Be more confident
  17. Accept the fact that he's president
  18. Stop over reacting because that is what they want
  19. Voice your thoughts in a positive manner
  20. Help/support each other
  21. Encourage others to vote
  22. Help your community
  23. Accept the outcomes
  24. Make people feel safe
  25. Equality for everyone
  26. Do not rely on social media for information
  27. Respect people's beliefs and opinions
  28. Make smart decisions
  29. Choose the Right 24/7
  30. Be a CTR person

Student Success Statement 11/14/16

"Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing."
                                                                             -Chick Moorman

           What Mr. Moorman is trying to say is that as long as you are doing the right thing it is unimportant whether you win or lose. For example let's say that you are running a 100 meter race in the Olympics. The rules say NO STEROIDS. You might not be taking steroids but someone else in the race might. If you know that someone is taking steroids, what will you do? Will you stand there and look pretty or will you report it because it is against the rules? You should report it because it is against the rules and it would not be fair for everyone else who is following the rules. Another example would be if you were cheating on a test. Cheating is not fair, honorable or right. After cheating, how would you feel? Would you feel like you did the right thing or not? Inside your conscience would be telling you that you did the wrong thing. Would you ignore your conscience? If you know that you did the wrong thing than tell your teacher the truth and accept the consequences that follow. If you do accept the consequences than you have done something that is right, honorable and fair. Don't do anything wrong because you want to win. And don't worry about losing if you're doing the right thing. As long as you're following the rules and doing the right thing winning or losing shouldn't matter.
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Student Success Statement 6/07/2017

"You will go far with CTR."                              -Mr. Haymore I believe this statement is saying that the only way to m...