"I trust that my hard work will pay off."
-Tyler Haws
I believe that this quote is trying to say that in the end all the hard work you put into your life and goals will pay off with success in reaching those goals. If you work hard for what you want in life then eventually you will get it. For example, I have always wanted to reach my goal of reading over 100 books in one year and after a year of hard work reading away doing my homework, I have met my goal. I also have goals that help others. For example one goal was that I would help my brother with his homework. With hard work I was able to help my brother with his homework as well as finish my own. Life is full of goals and plans for your future but the only way you will ever be able to achieve them is through hard work. If you want to buy a tablet, phone, or laptop you have to work hard to earn the money that is required to pay for the item. When you work hard for what you want, good things are sure to happen. If you needed that laptop for homework because you didn't have one and you worked double shifts just so that you would be able to buy it, then soon enough you will earn the money you need and you will get you laptop. Everything in life is earned through hard work. Even lessons are taught and learned by working hard. Nothing in life is ever easy, if you want something then work for it and you will achieve it. The sky is never the limit is is only another obstacle that you have to face.

-Tyler Haws