"Act well your part; there all honor lies."
-Alexander Pope
What this quote is trying to tell us is that you can only have honor if you do what is right. Therefore in order to get honor you must do everything correctly and you must make the correct decisions. For example if you were to join a competition but you were taking steroids then you have no honor if you end up winning the game. Once the officials find out that you were using steroids then you will be stripped of your title and instead of having that honor that you wrongfully took you will be full of embarrassment once the news has spread. It is never right to cheat or to make the wrong decisions because even one word that you took off another's page can already set your grade for a fail. Now that you know where honor lies, what are you going to do to earn the honor you have rightfully deserved? Are you going to cheat and take the honor from someone who really deserves it because they worked hard or are you going to try your best and earn it on your own? I hope you said that you're going to try your best and earn it on your own because that is the correct choice in this situation. Your life is given to you as a gift make sure that you make the right choices so that your life has more to it than it already has. And remember true honor comes from within.

-Alexander Pope
What this quote is trying to tell us is that you can only have honor if you do what is right. Therefore in order to get honor you must do everything correctly and you must make the correct decisions. For example if you were to join a competition but you were taking steroids then you have no honor if you end up winning the game. Once the officials find out that you were using steroids then you will be stripped of your title and instead of having that honor that you wrongfully took you will be full of embarrassment once the news has spread. It is never right to cheat or to make the wrong decisions because even one word that you took off another's page can already set your grade for a fail. Now that you know where honor lies, what are you going to do to earn the honor you have rightfully deserved? Are you going to cheat and take the honor from someone who really deserves it because they worked hard or are you going to try your best and earn it on your own? I hope you said that you're going to try your best and earn it on your own because that is the correct choice in this situation. Your life is given to you as a gift make sure that you make the right choices so that your life has more to it than it already has. And remember true honor comes from within.
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