"Character matters most.''
-Dale Murphy
I believe that this quote is trying to say that your character matters most because it is your character that portrays the image for people to follow. If you have a bad character then people tend to look at you and think the meanest things because you're mean to everyone or you cheat. But if you have a good character then people will come to you for help because they know that you do things the correct way, which means that you don't cheat. For example if you see that someone fell on the floor and you don't do anything about it then you are showing bad character because you didn't want to help the person who fell. Another example would be that if you see a homeless person asking for help. You could go the store or a restaurant and buy food. But instead of keeping it to yourself, you return to the place you saw the homeless person and give them the food. And to have an even better character you can keep them company while they so that they don't feel lonely and that they know that you care. Acts like this show that a person has good character because the person thinks of others before they do of themselves. Having a good character is something that helps in life because you are going to be trustful, responsible, respectful and many other things. Character is what helps build the person you want to be. Having a good character gives a person a good heart. So have a good character so that you can have the best image portrayed about you. And remember think about others who really need help before you think of you self.

-Dale Murphy
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